
AdvancedDataGrid row 속성 style 변경하기

엘라라 2009. 1. 30. 14:48
private var dpADG:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
    {Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Slanted and Enchanted', Price:11.99},
    {Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Brighten the Corners', Price:11.99},
    {Artist:'Saner', Album:'A Child Once', Price:11.99},
    {Artist:'Saner', Album:'Helium Wings', Price:12.99},
    {Artist:'The Doors', Album:'The Doors', Price:10.99},
    {Artist:'The Doors', Album:'Morrison Hotel', Price:12.99},
    {Artist:'Grateful Dead', Album:'American Beauty', Price:11.99},
    {Artist:'Grateful Dead', Album:'In the Dark', Price:11.99},
    {Artist:'Grateful Dead', Album:'Shakedown Street', Price:11.99},
    {Artist:'The Doors', Album:'Strange Days', Price:12.99},
    {Artist:'The Doors', Album:'The Best of the Doors', Price:10.99}

  public function myColStyleFunc(data:Object,
             if(data["Price"] <= 11.00)
                 return {color:0x00FF00};

             return null;

  <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Price"